HKUAA Professional Group Webinar - How to recover from difficulties, setbacks and failures at work - fast.

Title: How to recover from difficulties, setbacks and failures at work - fast. Strategies from neuroscience for managing stress and building personal resilience
Audience: Entrepreneurs and corporate managers who struggle with staying positive and productive in difficult times.
Do you feel tired and overwhelmed? Stressed out from trying to get through uncertain times? Confused or anxious about work?
Join Bernice Lee and discover scientific, evidence-based strategies to help you bring calm, confidence and positivity back into your working life.
In this action-packed session you’ll discover: • What is resilience and why it is important • The science of emotions and resilience • 4 secrets to resilience that top business leaders use to quickly return to a productive state of mind • Simple, no-cost things you can do to instantly calm down from strong emotions and get on with what you need to do
Date 23 jun 2021 Time 7-8pm
About the Speaker Bernice is Asia's Trusted Performance Coach for Entrepreneurs and Executives. She helps stressed out business professionals to be more positive, productive and ready to take their careers to the next level. She specialises in the neuroscience of leadership, emotional intelligence and resilience in the workplace, and business etiquette. Previously, Bernice worked as a human resources manager in the U.S. and Asia for multinational companies for seven years, and started her career in marketing. She holds degrees from Yale and Cornell.
Please complete the online registration form below
Language: English Quota: 90 This event is free of charge and prior registration is required. Priority will be given to HKUAA members.
Registration will be closed one day before the event or when the event is full. A Zoom link for joining the webinar will be sent to successful registrants by email.
For enquiry, please contact Mr. Michael Chow at or on 2522 6113.
Terms and Notes
*Participants will be requested to open your video camera to interact with the speakers during the talk. Those who are not able to open camera in the talk will be put in waiting room.
*During the event, please follow all rules and instructions strictly made by HKUAA. HKUAA will not liable for any damage, injury or death that may be caused. *The remarks made by the guest speakers in the programme are merely personal opinions of the guest speakers and should not be taken as the views of HKUAA.
*The copyright of any material that will be used in speakers' presentations belong to speakers' asset. You are advised to seek written permissions to copyrighted materials when applicable. *HKUAA reserves all rights to make ultimate decision on all related issues.
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