HKUAA Professional Group Webinar - 金融4.0 - 未来的金融科技webinar replay

金融4.0 - 未来的金融科技 金融科技在过去几年解决了不少老问题,但同时也带出不少新问题需要我们找解决方法,例如过度放贷给年轻人,股市失去价格发现能力,数字资产的监管等等。金融业犹如一驾高速飞行的飞机,我们如何一路飞一路换引擎?
About the Speaker Mr. Paul Li, President of HKIFA
Paul is the President of Hong Kong Internet Finance Association which was founded in 2014 aimed to provide a platform for industry players in HK to interact with their mainland counterparts and to promote the collaboration of FinTech and traditional finance industry. An experienced banker, Paul has worked in Alibaba group as senior fintech expert managing fintech initiatives for SMEs. Before that, he had worked in various roles in banks. In 2007, seeing the opportunity for foreign banks under the WTO agreement, Paul moved from HSBC Hong Kong to Shanghai to manage the strategy department for HSBC China. He then spent the next 6 years in various cities (Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen) to build corporate banking franchises for HSBC and subsequently Standard Chartered. Paul is an advisor of Our Hong Kong Foundation, a research fellow of Zhejiang University Academy of Internet Finance, part-time lecturer of HKU SPACE and industry commentator in FinTech & RegTech.
Please click the link below for replay of the webinar:
Language: Cantonese This event is free of charge and prior registration is required.
For enquiry, please contact Mr. Michael Chow at or on 2522 6113.
Terms and Notes
*Participants will be requested to open your video camera to interact with the speakers during the talk. Those who are not able to open camera in the talk will be put in waiting room.
*During the event, please follow all rules and instructions strictly made by HKUAA. HKUAA will not liable for any damage, injury or death that may be caused. *The remarks made by the guest speakers in the programme are merely personal opinions of the guest speakers and should not be taken as the views of HKUAA.
*The copyright of any material that will be used in speakers' presentations belong to speakers' asset. You are advised to seek written permissions to copyrighted materials when applicable. *HKUAA reserves all rights to make ultimate decision on all related issues.
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