HKUAA Guided Tour to 官塘 • 傳情 微縮藝術展 by HKUAA Green and Culture Group
HKUAA GREEN AND CULTURE GROUP Guided Tour to 官塘 • 傳情 微縮藝術展 Recall the memories of Kwun Tong!
HKUAA Green and Culture Group is organizing a guided tour to the exhibition 【官塘 • 傳情 微縮藝術展】, which is organized and curated by HKU alumna Carmen Poon 潘麗瓊. Here is the briefing of the exhibition (written in Chinese):
觀塘實現了香港史上最大的巿區重建計劃,令舊區煥然一新。為了「神還原」觀塘的歷史性地標,勾起集體回憶,重建計劃下的全新商場裕民坊商場「YM²」聯同快樂微型藝術會,舉辧香港近年最大型的【官塘•傳情 微縮藝術展】,展出多達39件作品,幾可亂真,令人嘖嘖稱奇。作品包括:
- 壓場之作《觀塘裕民坊》:涵蓋裕民坊大廈、裕華大廈及寶聲戲院一帶,霓虹燈七彩璀璨,還有東苑酒樓、麥當勞、天然酒樓、同樂酒樓及小巴站等。
- 裕民里其中七間裕民坊老店:《永興豆漿王》、《雞仔餅大王》、《福泰晶品》、《興發生果店》、《駿業士多》、《左溝右溝果汁店》及《裕民坊鞋店》;
- 作品《觀塘裕民坊》特設六個擴增實境(AR),為靜態藝術加上互動元素,可見觀塘天空煙花綻放,飛船飛過,「九龍皇帝」曾灶財揮毫、小巴站車水馬龍,更能成為寶聲戲院上映電影的海報主角!
- 其他21件作品大部分從未在港展出,包括以觀塘秀茂坪屋邨為背景、令人憶起快樂童年的《添記文具》、令人垂涎三尺的《觀塘潮州打冷》、手繪6000個平安包和多位精神奕奕健兒的《長洲搶包山》、2019年年底光榮結業的香港經典電影取景地《中國冰室》、以假亂真的《藍屋》等等。
Welcome all HKU alumni and students to bring your family and friends to join.
*** Photos are provided by the exhibitor.
ALL of our past events were FULLY BOOKED in advance. Please make your reservation RIGHT NOW!!!
Enquiries: Please email to or call HKUAA Administration, at +852 2522-6113.
Please fill in the enrollment form below, first come first served. (Please note that the session 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. is full, while the session 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon is still available for enrollment.)
Your reservation will be responded within 3 working days.
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Terms and Notes
All HKU alumni, students and their personal friends are welcome to join this event.
You may visit our website before you enroll as we will update the event information frequently. Please note that we will not be responsible for any delay in the information.
During the event, please follow all rules and instructions strictly made by HKUAA or the service provider. Please act responsibly and HKUAA will not be liable for any damage, injury or any serious consequences that may be caused.
HKUAA reserves all the rights to make final decision on all related issues.
If you have not yet registered as a HKUAA Member, please do so at our website, FREE membership for all HKU alumni and students.
(*Note: All HKU Alumni are eligible to join, but you NEED to fill in an online application form and submit it for approval by HKUAA. Membership is NOT granted automatically upon graduation.)
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