HKUAA GREEN AND CULTURE GROUP Zoom Talk - NFT x Photography by Iris
HKUAA GREEN AND CULTURE GROUP Zoom Talk - NFT x Photography by Iris
HKUAA Green and Culture Group is honoured to invite Iris, an NFT artist and enthusiast, to share her insights on the latest trends of the NFT art and photography market, as well as how NFTs are reshaping the traditional art market.
Iris is a HKU BBA Law graduate who has a keen interest in art and photography. Primarily working with images, she explores the abilities of intense colours and geometries in blurring the lines between reality and fiction, inviting the audience to question their sense of perception. Some of her recent work includes “Lucid Dreams”, which is a social experiment to create synergy between web3 and the physical space, and her sold-out photography NFT collection “Pretend it is a City”. Iris’ NFTs have been exhibited at NFT Paris 2023, NFT NYC 2022, as well as “Gateway to the Metaverse” Exhibition in Sharjah in 2022.

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*** Photos are provided by Iris.
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